Maximum Allowable Offer (MAO) Calculator
function calculateMAO() {
// Retrieve user inputs
const ccrvArv = parseFloat(document.getElementById(‘ccrvArv’).value) || 0;
const ccrvPercentage = parseFloat(document.getElementById(‘ccrvPercentage’).value) || 60;
const rehabAmount = parseFloat(document.getElementById(‘rehabAmount’).value) || 0;
const closingCosts = parseFloat(document.getElementById(‘closingCosts’).value) || 0;
const desiredProfitPercentage = parseFloat(document.getElementById(‘desiredProfitPercentage’).value) || 0;
const sellerPrice = parseFloat(document.getElementById(‘sellerPrice’).value) || 0;
// Calculate the offer base from the percentage of CCRV / ARV
const offerBase = (ccrvArv * (ccrvPercentage / 100));
// Calculate the desired profit based on percentage of the offer base
const desiredProfit = (offerBase * (desiredProfitPercentage / 100));
// Calculate the initial MAO (Maximum Allowable Offer)
let maxOffer = offerBase – rehabAmount – closingCosts – desiredProfit;
// Calculate the bottom-line value (CCRV / ARV minus selected percentage of CCRV / ARV, rehab, and closing costs)
const bottomLine = ccrvArv – (ccrvArv * (ccrvPercentage / 100)) – rehabAmount – closingCosts;
// Check if the seller’s price exceeds the calculated MAO
let resultMessage = ”;
if (sellerPrice > maxOffer) {
const priceDifference = sellerPrice – maxOffer;
resultMessage = `Seller’s requested price is ${priceDifference.toFixed(2)} more than your desired offer.
// Adjust desired profit to match the seller’s price
const adjustedProfit = sellerPrice – offerBase – rehabAmount – closingCosts;
resultMessage += `Your desired profit will be adjusted to: $${adjustedProfit.toFixed(2)}
maxOffer = sellerPrice; // Set MAO to the seller’s price
} else {
resultMessage = `Maximum Allowable Offer (MAO): $${maxOffer.toFixed(2)}
resultMessage += `Your Desired Profit: $${desiredProfit.toFixed(2)}
// Display the bottom-line calculation
resultMessage += `Bottom Line Calculation: $${bottomLine.toFixed(2)}
// Display the result
document.getElementById(‘result’).innerHTML = resultMessage;